08 September 2009


Heya, gangaliciousnesses-

Hope ya had a nice relaxing Labor Day weekend!

Here's a 3d sculpt that my pal Luis Gomez-Guzman hooked up.

He hit me up with an email out of the blue to show me he had begun the sculpt of the Ironman illustration I had posted some time back. I was wowed by what I saw. Luis asked me to make notes, so he can get it closer to how I drew, and he also asked me to design the back for him to model from, so the top right pic is me drawing over his screen cap.

I tracked down some of Luis' links to share with ya. He's such an amazing artist.

One of my favorites from him is his Award Winning Animation Short-Film "Garto"

Here's Luis' blog
Please give him props when you get a moment!

Hope ya digs!


William Anderson said...

Really nice render. He got it spot on in my opinion.

Mariusz Kornatka said...

Great job!

Denis said...

Holy shell! That's impressive!

Lucas Ferreyra said...


samacleod said...

Amazing. You're design is translated so well. What an amazing modeler. Would kill to see this put into the hands of some animators and brought to life. Love your work, Sean.

Damion009 said...

out of this world!

Glen Southern said...

fantastic model. I'd love to translate some of your sketches. Great work both.


Jesse Winchester said...

Awsome collabo!

Unknown said...

Incredibly kick ass

Gerald de Dios said...

WICKED!!! Looks good

Haro Artist said...

I love the simplicity of your work, He definitely got the essence of your drawing down lovely. Wow!

Iriminage said...

it's awesome, excellent work... when can I buy it? =D

Draw Monkey said...

Hey, nice. Now make it move. And get Robert Downey to do the voice. And then make a movie. And then call me when it's out.

That's a seriously good render. Bang on really.

Unknown said...

so goood!!!

Wayne B. Medina said...

that's cool. you know you can make a 3d render print out..meaning make a sculpt out of that with the 3d file. we did it for one of character in our animation short for school.

Ken Knafou said...

That's badass! The fact that it works so well in 3D is a testament to your designs. These kind of collabos are what make the internet a wonderful thing.

Unknown said...

How cool is this!!!! A great 3D conversion of your design, impressive!!!

Unknown said...

OMG. Beautiful.

You should show the folks at Marvel (or hell, DC) this right now and do more. I would gladly pay heaps of money for such warez. And this coming from a guy who doesn't own a single comic-based statue (though I am considering Paul Pope's Batman Y100 B&W statue).

Seriously. Amazing.

J. Arturo Ramírez said...

Oooraaleee!!! That´s amazing, would look like figure painted by ¨JAR¨?, hehehe..., It would be an honor to paint a Master as this the print, greetings Sean, remember me?

B C E said...

That would look great in my cubicle!

redmonkey said...

Terrific cool work Cheeks.
Like always

RAWLS said...

Whaaat?! You just had to go and do it didn't you?! I'm in awe my friend. Kudos to you and Luis for a fantastic looking piece of work!

Anonymous said...

How cool is that?? Very cool, that's what. Love your design for IM.

Adam Kaszycki said...

Stellar! Would love to see that as a maquette we could get a hold of and stick on our desks. Inspiring for sure and love how the graphic qualities were kept intact on the 3D model.

~ tOkKa said...

-->> Hey, Tony .. blast away that spammer for us will ya ?!

Tatevik Avakyan said...

It looks great!

Chris Battle said...

Holy shit! Time for Mr. Stark to make a guest appearance on Spider-Man...

Ryan Green said...

This one model is enough to get the ball rolling on a 3D Ironman series. Go pitch it, if you haven't already...

Josh Frost said...

GOD I just love this! I want to throw animation on it so bad! Great Illustration turns into a very great model! Got to love it!

- Josh

Sean Galloway said...

thank you, everyone!

I tracked down some of Luis' links to share with ya. He's such an amazing artist.

One of my favorites from him is his Award Winning Animation Short-Film "Garto"

Here's his blog http://luisgomezguzman.blogspot.com/
Please give him props when you get a moment!

Hope your week is going swell!

Patricio OLiver said...

your work is amazing! I would have love to have an illustration done by you for my new book that is about to be published!

Tooninator said...

that translates really well

Anonymous said...

always cool to see an artists take on another artists work.

Joe Romano 2 said...

WOW!!!! Absolutely amazing. I love the way you rework traditional characters in your own way. I freakin love it. Good luck to you.

jriggity said...

Dammmmmm that is Coool as freakin Hell!!!!





Everything on the blog looks GREAT! I'm sorry we couldn't talk more this past summer. Hope you're doing well and I hope to run into you some time very soon.


PS - Gimme a call; maybe we can set something up when you've got a free minute?

Foom Spectacular said...

Really nice model.

sylvain said...

i want it!!!!!

João Edno "John" said...

Muito show!

AVS said...

woooooooooooooooooooooooo. chevere exlente .saludos desde PERU

Greg said...

Awesome! This would make an amazing maquette!!!

Zeljko Duvnjak said...

truly nice!

Anonymous said...

This is so totally awesome :):)

big lights are the only lights i need!

Skellybobbly said...

Wow that is Awesome!

Man I'd love to do some animation with that character.
Any chance of getting hold of the model?



KX said...

Oh man I really love your art !! My friend Spider Guile show me your art, it's REALLY IMPRESSIVE !
I hope that I can be as Good as you one day !

Keep it up !

Meesimo said...

Reeeaaaally turned out sweet man! Such a cool vision, and collaboration.

Genevieve Tsai said...

OMG This is incredible!! He modeled it perfectly; Luis is so talented! This would be such an awesome statue to have. Your designs translate so well to 3D and I think your design of Iron Man is way cooler than the original, haha!

nags said...

i tot it was a cheeks version of iron man action figure...coolness