My pal Matteo Scalera asked me if I wanted to do a pin-up for his pals Alessandro Micelli and Gianmac's creator owned project, Tales of Avalon. The concept and the designs are wicked-cool, so I couldn't resist.
This'll be a double page splash pin-up.
I have been really diggin my Cintiq, and drawing more digital lately. This piece so far was done 100% on the Cintiq

Hope y'all digs!
Looks like the beginnings of a truly sick spread, can't wait to see this progress!!
It´s looking so cool!! So i hope to see the finish one soon. :)
Cintiq... aaah! I want one!
First, I can't wait to see how this looks when it's done.
Second, I'm stoked to see that you're coming to Iowa in November.
Third, this is the second time in as many days I've had a comment after Fabian -- on a completely different blog.
...and 4, I love u Sean!
Thanks a lot man!
Welcome to the fuuuUUUUuuuuture. Your Cintiq work looks great, man.
awesome awesome! thanks, sean!
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