Blast from the past fo' sho... I've NEVER drawn
The Flintstones. Always loved them, but I didn't dare or even fathom the thought of tampering with them in fear that I'd look like a hack of a poor watered down version of them. After sitting Fear down, I had to look em' right in the grill. I tolds that lil rascalicious, "Fear, you need to let me have some fun, aight? Now, begone, bonehead!" HAHAHAHA
Anyway...I just couldn't resist the fun shapes!
My perspective may be off since it's a rough, but when I go to colors, I'll polish the technical aspect.
If you can get past that, then I hope ya digs!
Haha- that is too cool...and very classic
For some reason i never like them (please don't hate me), but you make them look cool! :)
love the rendition! The way you remix these characters with you flavor is inspiring.
-carl - my sketchblog
It's so funny to see Hanna-Barbara stuff drawn with DIMENSION. Nice job!
LOL! they never looked better :)
HA...this is turning out great man. Good job!!!
Awesome....and just for this pic at moment, I'm loving the way you draw the feet.
Fresh take on a classic toon.
:) Very Funny!
Sean last year we met at the ANG event held at Ibero University in México City, and this "Bedrock Neighbors" remembered me that you do not have in your portfolios a Hanna-Barbera Birdman (that was my sketch request) may be in the future you can add this character in your "sketches to do list" :)
hahaha... awesome.
very cool take on the characters. You know who they are but they look a little "cooler". I dig it , man.
I'm fan ! Great work.
love the way you recreate caracters! very good style
thank you so much, everyone! I definitely can't wait to color it. I have more cookin up, so thank you for coming by to peep out my lil corner. :)
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