For my artwork lately I've been slipping into only roughs mode. It feels so refreshing to go that route, but man I needed to snap out of it and find a balance. I was fiending to do a polished piece. HAHAHAHA
I haven't drawn many villains EVER, so I decided to do it up with Batman's BFF's and see where it goes from there. If you can't guess their names, then here's a rollcall: Killa Crizock, Clayfizace, and Batamang.
Anywho, this piece was done 100% on my Cintiq from roughs to finishes.
Hope y'all digs!

Very very very good !!!
Oh maaaan, these are freakin' AWESOME!! And Killer Croc & Clayface are 2 of my fav villains from the series!
It's great you are digging the Cintiq! I don't think I can go back to a regular ol' Wacom anymore. It's almost like working on paper!
Keep on rockin'!!
Really cool work man!:o)
Great work! And love your style on Killer Croc and Clayface! Great choice!
"Santa, can i have a Cintiq?"
- "NO! Work for it bitch!"
There is my answer, so its going to be little bit longer haha
I did traditional artwork for years, then switched over to digital and the almighty Cintiq and it really slowed me down AT FIRST, but it seems the more time you put into using it, the faster you can run with it.
Always love looking at your work.
It's bad @$$.
Man bro that killer crock is awesome. Nice as always.
Awesome, man. Great scale on Clayface vs Bats, too!
Your clayface rocks, dude!!!!!!
Keep Drawin', man^^
Your stuff is cerazy awesome! What software do you use to sketch, shade, and colour your work?
AAAA... sweet designs!
thank you, everyone!
Genevieve, you're too sweet! thank you so much!
too funny, Fabian!
i'm sure you're right, Dennis. i'll keep plugging away in the meantime.
thank you, Andrew, Will and Alex, Arick, Shawn, and Cartoons Dood!
Great-Scott, that is AWESOME!! I am totally diggin' it!
First the spiderlad and now my second closest wish-to-be-my-real-life-friend Bats and co. done by Mr. Cheeks.
This is the stuff dreams are made of!
Keep rocking the cintq!
super maga awesome!
Ooooooh, I dig, I dig ! This is amazing ! I'd loooove if they do a new animation show with your amazing designs ... or if you have a contract to do Batman at DC !
I really like your works ! I invite you to visit my blog to tell me your opininon.
Advice: you should post ur draws on PNG not JPEG, for a better quality !
NIDO , french drawer.
Clayface was always one of my did him up Excellently!
Awesome designs, as usual-
Awesome job, as usual... ! O_o
Well, I just wanted to tell you I just started to raise a blog
( )
and I put a link to your blog. Does it bother you?
Alain from France ;)
bada$$ !!
I really like your take off all these comic classics!.
I'll add you to mylinks hope it's ok :)
wow! great art!
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