Sometime back, when I posted up my Marvel AP Sketchcards, several peeps asked me to go bigger with them and take these to final.

I figured Reed and Sue would be a good addition to my Marvel montage, but stay tuned for more characters that'll pop up on it here and there. :)
Well.... I'm just sayin... if you dare, then I dare...
nuff said...
Hope y'all digs!
Uau Uau... New News???
Very Good.
Double DOG dare ya. What'cha gonna do now big boy? Huh? HUH!?!?
dare you.
Dared! (2 spidies?)
This is awesome!!
I'm with Draw Monkey on this one, but as the say in the great movie classic "A Christmas Story" I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU!!! And there is nothing that can beat that!
I dare you NOT to
and deal with the uproar from the hostiles !
Very nice!
Wonderful drawings!!! You`ve got an incredible style,very personal.I will add to my favourites blog`s list.Greetings from Argentina! From a new fan and a colleague (well,I try...)
You know you want to finish this, Sean...
oh. I dare.
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