in other news... i totally jacked up my back on Saturday. i was crossing the street,and the light was turning yellow, so to not hold up the cars I jogged the last few, remaining steps. from the last hop onto the sidewalk i pinched a nerve in my lower back. today i'm feeling it more than ever....ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope ya diggity doo drops.
hehe, my god, even your rough pencils are better than mine!!! i "hate" youuuuu, jejeje.
just kidding! you art is so cool buddy!
Woah, sucks about your back. The scary part is that you're just a little older than me. If you can pull your back that easy, it's only a matter of time for moi :P
Yeah... we all "hate" you :D
Awesome ruff mutha flippas.
No kidding, your roughs put me to shame. Thanks for sharing!
Sorry for all the hatred, but you kinda deserve it^^!
I let the link to my contribution to the contest on the Kuta Contest post. Hope it's not too late!
espectacular tus obras !!!
Cool sketch. How come your sketches blow away my final pencil work.
If it makes you feel better I pinched a nerve in my back at an office leaning over to pick up my drink. I had to literally crawl out on my hands and knees and go lay down in the bathroom. Sucks getting old, but beats the alternative.
Sorry to hear about the back homie....put a heating pad on it, and make sure to do yer stretchin!
Great sketch also!
Great!!!! Cool work!!!
thank you, everyone! my back does feel better, but it needs more time.
i hope you all make a speedy recovery, too. i send you best wishes to the injuries that are chronic.
Great pencil roughs. Drawing loose is always refreshing. Sorry to hear about the back. It really puts you out of the game for quite a few days. Hopefully, your doc prescribed some flexeril. Hope you've recovered by now. Regards.
dude! I did the same thing a couple years back! man that no wait it was my calf...uh when was the back lol...
anyways I hope ya feel better-I pinched a nerve in my neck when I was 8 or so-still feel it when i get headaches
hey ps-lemme know about the kuta email I sent ya ;)
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