What's Schoolism.com?
Imagine if you had a professional to help you and look over your work! Schoolism classes not only teach you the secrets from known professionals, but you will see them draw over the top of your drawings and hear them talk about how to take your art to a whole another level!
Schoolism.com Online Art Classes are now open for registration:
The Art of Caricature with Jason Seiler - starts July 24, 2009
By the end of this course, master caricaturist, Jason Seiler, will have you looking at people in a whole new way! For illustrators seeking to add high-end caricaturing to their repertoire, this course is a must!
Building a Powerful Comic Book Portfolio with Alvin Lee - starts July 31, 2009
Go through an intensive workshop with professional comic book artist Alvin Lee to create a powerful comic book portfolio. Watch and listen as Alvin draws on top of your work, explaining to you the 'DOs' and 'DON'Ts' of what makes a great comic book portfolio!
Character Design by Stephen Silver - starts September 7, 2009
Over nine lessons, Stephen will introduce you to the art of drawing, character design and the business of art. Your role will be to create major and incidental characters for animated T.V., feature films, or video game concepts!
Portfolio workshop with Sean Galloway aka Cheeks - starts November 15, 2009
Cheeks will be taking you through 9 lessons of intensive workshop to teach you the do's and dont's of what makes a great design portfolio for film, television, animation, or illustration.
Digital Painting Techniques with Bobby Chiu - starts November 1, 2009
Learn Bobby's personal techniques of how to digital paint. Watch the lessons, do the assignments and see Bobby paint on top of your paintings showing you how to improve your art!
Register at SCHOOLISM