I wasn't feeling how I drew Cheetarah last, and been meaning to get back to redesigning her, so here she is. :)
Like Snarf should be. The caretaker of Lion-O. Either serving soup or scratchin the shiz out of Mum-ra's lackies.
sit, ubu. good dawg. WOOF!

yeah, well we know as brilliant as panthro is he likes to be a grunt more than anything, there's nothing more fun than kickin some bad guy booty.
sick 'em, boy

Welpers... here's how i see Tygra with the crossed eyes that i have.
i saw a sneak preview of 'smokin aces' with some pals of mine. that movie was off the heezy fo sheezy, wheezy. i LOVED it. the title of this deviation was one of the lines in it, and it still has us all crackin up.
hope y'all diggy doos!

Say wha',Lion-O?!!! You say you hear sumfin' with your keen hearing? Whatcha gonna do? Don't play hero, son.
I guess I love provoking people with my personal visions of classic characters. For the most part it's welcomed by the audience, but some are not so welcoming. haha
Anyhoot, I hope y'all digs!
Off topic, but very important to me, thank you to everyone anticipating Bastion's 7. I CANNOT believe the response coming in from it, but I salute you for looking for something new, and allowing me to bring it.
Luff ya.