The first of 12 installments for DC Comics' Wednesday Comics came out today. Thank you, everyone for popping by for the signing we had at House of Secrets!!!! You all rocked our worlds.
Without further adieu.... here's my first of 12 pages!

Hope y'all digs!
Hey, Cheeks this is so awesome, Dude! sorry I couldn't make it to the signing, I wish I could have been there.
I love to see paneled work of your's. There's so much to learn from it.
LOVE your palette too by the way. I've always been a fan of desaturated colours and you use them magnificently.
You need to work on your storytelling. You should be able to figure out what's going on without the dialogue/captions; all I see are people standing around and jumping :/
Are you a drawing genius? Maybe I`m wrong but I think that you`re finding the way...
I love your interpretation of these characters. I've always like the Teen Titans. I've think I still have some some of the original comics around here somewhere, by... Perez I think it was.
Just read it on another blog, congrats sean!
wow, allways impressed by your work, the designs, the color, the composition it all work so well.
It was great to finally meet the legend behind the pencil! Thanks for hanging out a little longer to chat!
Hope to see you in San Diego!
sweet dude!
Where are the backgrounds? And your story telling needs work. Your work is good but it's missing something. I hope you find because your ability is great.
thank you, everyone!!!
Haylee! It was great meeting you, too! We were there to talk it up to anyone that came through, so the pleasure was all mine. :)
I hope you can make it down to SDCC, too!
Nice tribute to the OG Titans! Gotta pick this up...
Cheeks, I was in a rush cuz I took a long lunch break, but I had to make it over there to get mine signed. Thanks for signing! Always good to see your work, very inspiring. My blog is a disgrace right now. I'm gonna kick myself into gear. And I'm buying your book at the Con, so you better research what cheese you're gonna draw for me.
You Superboy is the first time I thought the jeans and t-shirt looked awesome...
Awesome comic man, can't wait to read the next one!! Very nicely done :)
Very cool man, wonderful look to this and it's refreshing to not be the "same old" thing that I see in almost every comic! Great work!!!
Man your stuff is fantastic!
thank you, everyone!!!
Alan, be sure to bring ref of the cheeses you want me to hook up! HAHAHAHA
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