I do appreciate all of you being patient, and I promise that the wait will be worth it because I am inserting a couple of surprises in each book because I luff y'all that much! :P
I'll update the journal later today once I have brought all the books in. There will be photos to ease your minds. :highfive:
I'm dedicating tomorrow and Friday to mail out all the books.
Here are the pics as promised as well as extra footage.
The 1st pic is of the books I hauled up myself. Talk about exhaustion after 37 boxes.

Here are my boys that helped make all this possible. hehe Well one of them... the other was too shy to get it's picture taken... it kept muttering it was too puny or somethin'..

Here's Andy He called up after the first palette was done, and I tricked him in helping out with the 2nd palette! I be the evil. Thanx, Andy-san!

Here's what the living room looks like with all the books in the apartment.

And while I'm on here, I wanna let you all know the Seattle Emerald City Con was AMAZING. Thank you to Jim Demonakos for having me up there as a guest. I be back next year for sure. Thank you to Olga and Emily for showing me the city. Seattle is gorgeous. I had a ton of fun hanging out with other artists there, and I had the pleasure of sitting next to Phil Hester, and Andy Kuhn. Andy Kuhn and I shared a room, but with DIFFERENT beds! haha I still deny to this day that I was talking in my sleep, Andy.
The books are doing better than I thought. I had another sell out with the hardbacks at the Emerald City Con. I had 100 copies advanced to me for the convention, and was scurred I was gonna have to pay a grip to have them shipped back to San Diego.
I know I haven't posted of late, but it's due to some intense deadlines, but if all goes well then I'll be able to post a bit more often. Thank you all for stopping by to see how I've been doing! Hope all is well with you all, too.
There are more books available if anyone is interested.
Shipping varies, so please go to this link to see which cost of shipping appeals to you, at this link http://www.usps.com/rates/media-mail-rates.htm
When making payment to my paypal please write in detail the shipping your requesting the books to be delivered.
They both have 48 pages, and they are landscaped 12.5x 8.5. Please make all payment to my paypal account cheeks_1974a@hotmail.com
Just to give you an idea what's in each book.... Both have the same cover but with a no.1 and a no.2 and different back covers to differentiate
them, too.
Vol.1 has more of my fun pin-up stuff, and my Bastion's 7 work(s) in it, and a forward by my good bud Alberto Ruiz.
Vol.2 has designs designs designs, and work related work in it.
And it also has 50 some odd never seen designs. ******
I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so excited!
Aw man... I peed again...
Good God! I'm so happy, I'm getting drunk tonite!!!!
Those cheeks should be real tight now after all that lifting! :p
:) :highfive:
dude, thats ALOT of books, good god. Props for the fact that you'll probably sell every last one of them too. dope style, always tight work, keep it up.
man them books look freakin sweet! looking forward to checking em out. just got my delivery in today too, but i cant imagine having to deal with two palletes of boxes tho.
It was great meeting you at Emerald Con Sean, and getting to purchase one of your sketchbooks. Speaking of, your sketchbooks seemed to be selling extremely well! I couldn't be happier for you. You do good work sir.
Cool! I can't wait! Glad to know you're still around!
Great, I can´t wait to hold those books in my hands. That was for sure a good Gymsession, to carry all that stuff:D
Oh man Cheeks! Congrats. Can't wait to see them. You must be jumping up and down like a little school girl or a dinosaur on a pogo stick. either/or.
wow thats a ton of books Sean! Congrats on your success! Show them guns! lol
ps.I really enjoy the book :P
hey sean, congrats dude! let me know whenever you want to setup a book signing event or so at my school. i'm sure it'll do well. glad you didnt call me to help you bring the books up tho! haha.
I Still want to order one of your book! I will be so pleased to own one with a dedication!
But i don't really know how the paypal stuff is working! (sorry for that i am french... lol)
So please write me at lao62@hotmail.com or like me an adresse to filed my order somewhere!
i am really impatien to receive it!!
By Tcho!
Yeah Baby
2cDZTF Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
DavkkK Wonderful blog.
Please write anything else!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Hello all!
Please write anything else!
Nice Article.
Good job!
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Wonderful blog.
aakKea Nice Article.
Nice Article.
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