Uh, yeah... he wishes! HAHAHA Thank you all for the support and encouragement for my creating and developing Bastion's 7. Well, I hope this answers how it's coming along. I'm turning up the heat, and trying to evolve my art a bit more now. ;P

Hope y'all digs!
Man, this is awesome. I can almost see it move.
Sweet!! It´s looking amazing!! This is going to be a success, Sean!! Best wishes on this project! :)
Cool perspective. And the blur works well in this one.
Great composition and perspective on the scooter. Did you rough it out and then finish with that line? You always have this nack of cool form and shape :)
Wow, I just saw in my local paper that you'll be in town this weekend for the I-CON! I can't wait to see your work in person and pick up a book.
...And Bastion 7 is looking super cool too!
Great stuff as always Man! Love the "camera" angle here.
HAWT! B7 is the Bee's Knees!
Great comp! This book is going to be so great
เท่ห์สุดๆ ไปเลย มุมนี้เท่มาก....^o^
Dude you're ridiculous... Awesome stuff. That Batman piece is crazy good. I,m glad I found this place.
i like it!!!
That is one sweet sexy drawing!...but then again so is every single other one.
Great Work!
Nice one!
I man!! I´m Ro I live in Barcelona. I love your work you art, one cuestion, wish program use you painting? Tnk
I keep coming back and awwing this piece! great job again!
Sean, it was brought to my attention from my homie Josh Frost that some Arrowsniper totally bit your poses. I felt obligated to write a reply on that forum to help clear the air about being inspired and copying with giving credit (user: dontstealposes). Your work is a huge inspiration to us up & coming artists, the art community is smaller than we think...that's why we gotta look out for each other. As for biterz, they should get the public exposure they deserve. Peace.
Hi, i come here by following à link to Eredan Project (sorry for my english :p).
Your work is really awesome.
Good luck for your projetcs !
i ABSOLUTELY LOVE the composition ,
No more words! o_o
great looking stuff as usual
Hey, I have seen your work many many times before. Always inspires. ;) Thank you very mucho.
Hi Sean, nica gallery, I love your stuff.
very cool perspective !
Nice one!
Sweet and simple..
Great compo, great perspective, great sketch… but a scooter for the Gosth Rider ! What Hell !!! Like your work Dude ;)
You always have this nack of cool form and shape
Work from home India
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