Here's a sneak peak of a page from my new book to give ya an idea of what you're in for.
Without further adieux, meet Flicker! Lookit him... What a tool. He thinks he's all hard and shiz sittin on his scooter awaiting to terrorize some poor, helpless person(s).

He's the leader of a new group of baddies for my Bastion's 7 story. He'll be riding the streets with his scooter gang causing havoc. Sheeeesh .... no respect I tells ya, no respect! Somebody better lay the law on these fools. ;)
Hope y'all digs!
Yeah, very cool mask.
Great stuff, man.
Nice preview of your new book, can´t wait!! Very cool design, Cheeks!! Love the deisgn of his back, great concept!!
whoa GREAT design man!! I can't wait to see what you've got cookin up with this ma man!
Love the mask, and the pipes out the back...awesome silhouette!!!
I didn't realize how you got your nickname Cheeks till I saw your interview. Funny.
Great looking work as usual.
oohh, maan...
This is really good!
wanna see it finished ;)
un saludo!
dude, that's a sick character! love the facial expressions - interesting. Man, what software do you use for your characters, they just always turn out awesome.
the coolest thing is if i lived near you, i'd get to see them before you posted.. awesome.
peace out
This is amazing work Cheeks.A really great looking design.Thank you for your compliment on my blog.
It means a lot.And believe me when I tell you that I think your a BIG talent.I hope your able to sell a show to the cartoon network becouse your designs would be great to see animated-especially 2d
Nice work, Cheeks!!! ;-)
Does he store a lot of photos as well?
Love the deisgn of his back, great concept!
Work from home India
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