Man, I had a blast in Florida.
I first hung out with my high school homies, in Tampa, bowling, and going to the Rays, and Yankees game. Good times good times....
Afterwards, I then rolled up to Orlando to get my kick it on, at the FX Show. Thank you, everyone for poppin by and saying howdy.
The evening events were very fun, too. One of the events was Drink and Draw, hosted by the LA crew. In Orlando I attended one for the first time. I've tried my hardest to flee from the LA ones, and who woulda thunk they would corner me and hold me by pencil point to partake in it?! Those vicious savages. HAHAHAHA
Here's 2 of the 7 or 8 that I drew. I haven't drawn like this in awhile, but it was a first with white-out. I'm thinking I'll do more. it was so fun!
This is of Hellboy, and my buddy, Tim Townsend.
I couldn't resist to draw the ladies men, Dan Panosian, and Jim Mahfood (the 3rd one in the line-up).
See you all in Calgary this weekend, at the Calgary Expo!!
Hope y'all digs!
God, I love your drawings so much!!!
Can I be your slave?! ;)
Wish I could be there in Calgary my friend. Have a great time man... and make sure you keep an eye out for The Anthology Project peeps! table 509!
Hello Sean...
Coming into your blog after a long time!
Nice stuffs!
Hope all is going good!
Hey Sean
Saturday Night after the con we are hitting up a Pub near by called the Unicorn for Drink and Draw as well.
A few friends will be handing out fliers for the event at the con as well.
Anyones welcome :)
See ya on the Weekend dude.
That Hellboy rules!
your stuff so awesome
Awesome stuff. These are really cool.
Muito legalll... Cool!
what a hoot!
that jim mafoo is the cream of the crop!
So incredible your style, as usual !!!
Hey awesome!!! I couldn't tell it was white out ahah :)
Have a good time in Calgary!
Calgary is awesome, yes? It was great running into you :) Thanks for the comments on my book it really made my day. Was also quite appreciated to figure out what to do with it afterwards. Thanks for the advice!
I love your style, your book is definitely a great one to have.
Hey Sean, I like too much your draw style, very, very good, hey please visit my blog it's www.renanlimastudio.wordpress.com
Hellboy looks fierce!!!!!
Man, great sketches! those are some really powerful chins. :)
Hey Sean just droppin a line. I met you in Calgary this weekend and I talked to you about your slick Bastion 7 projects. My buddy Augusto talked to as well in Cow town. he was an exhibitor and said some nice things about you ! got deep respect for you brothaa keep on hitting the world with your amazing skills !
these look uber-rad!!!
Hello~~Sean, you are great comic artist! best in the best!!
I am a illustrator from China, and your biggest fans! congratulations!!
Hey, you have fun everywhere you go! All aboard the Cheeks Train!
i'm back sean :)
i totally recognized danman and jim
Beautiful work. I've played around with white hilighting, too. It's a great look. Tho I've always used (and fought with) the White-Out pens you get at Office Depot. Can I ask what you use? You get a nice "brushy" mark.
And are you using a regular yellow highlighting marker?!
gosh darn, brilliant!
Yeah dude it was really cool getting to meet you at FX con. The book is GREAT by the way, I love it.
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