Ok, so some of ya have been asking me to post a lil somethin' somethin' new...Hope this feeds your greedy appetites. HAHAHA Just kiddin.
But here ya go. I've teamed up with my pal, Kevin Freeman and his posse over at Animation Rigs. If ya get a minute please cruise to their site, and check out the goodness that they bring to the table.
This was one of the worlds I created with Kevin. Other than thinking Luchadores are cool as all get out, the real reason I decided to do a line up of them as my first world to create was because I had a request from a young lady, at the San Francisco Wondercon earlier this year, to draw a Luchadore head... not to relive my horror of embarrassment, I stunk up her book with poo poo, so this is me redeeming myself for it. I'm just happy it was something I could persuade Kevin to do. HAHAHAHA

Hope y'all digs!