Man, it was such an emotional morning for Ichiban and I. We were so relived to see journalists, Lee and Ling reunited with their families.
Now that I can see without blurry vision, I present to you pages 4 and 5 of Teen Titans, Wednesday Comics.
page 4

page 5

Hope ya digs!
I'm right there with you on the release of those two journalists. a happy and important moment.
Stunning work as usual. It's gotta feel good to know that in a world with so much turbulence and negativity you are one of the forces of positivity. Your work brings good feelings to those who enjoy it, man. Thank you!
Thanx mamacita!!!!
Cool/amazing stuff like always. We have to hang out soon.
These pages are DOOOOOPE! It's funny cuz it looks like Robin is coppin' a feel in one of the frames. ;)
Awesomeness! That's all I can say.
slick work ma man
gotta luv how you fit in a boob grab in panel 3 of page 5 hahaha
Saawweeet pages, I totally diggs!!
it was so nice meeting you at comic con
Great, Great pages man, always the best... love how you draw Robin, and the colors are perfect..
Great stuff man!
Good stuff duder! Like to see your artwork back up and to see you have made a recovery from the con!
Dude i have really been digging your Wednesday comics stuff. All the creators have been KILLING it! cant wait for next week.
Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet.
Page#5 Panel #2. Robin's gettin' his groap on.
Hey Sean,
Good seeing you at House of Secrets again. Click on my pic to see my Blog and to add me on yer artists list if you want.
Keep kicking a#@!
I love these but you really need more pages so you can spread your work out. Your loosing some of your dramatic action if that makes sense.
thank you, everyone!
heya, Tommy! it was good seeing you, too, man. dude... your blog is full of awesome.
Those look great bro!
Your Teen Titans segment is one of my faves on Wednesday comics. Keep it up!
This stuff is AWESOME - Been a fan for a long time and
glad to see you doing some comics work.
Always awesome, man.
I wasn't to big on the story of this strip but I LOVED the art. Keep up the great work.
Thank you, gang!
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