There's a Gargoyles convention this weekend here in LA.
I got invited to attend, so I'll be there Sunday for the Gargoyles/Spidey panel and the mug event before the panel.
Never been to one, but I'm PUMPED! I heard the event is a lot of fun.
I'm a huge fan of Gargoyles, so sow you have the reason to why with the Gargoyles fan art. :)

Hope y'all digs!
I like these sketches it is always very interesting for draftsmen in herb to see how builds itself characters, that helps has to set up all this!!!
always loved the gargoyles tv show, cool as ever sean!
Really nicely done man, I loved the tv show. One of my teachers I had last year worked on it. So cool! Congrats on the wedding coming up, that is so sweet. :)
Wow these are awesome nice work. I really miss the Television show.
Wicked cool illos!!
those gargoyles are gorgeus!! XD
great job as always!
Man I loved that show. It's one of those that had both good story AND good animation. Don't see that combination too often on TV animation.
Love your version of them Cheeks.
Love your take. It's a low down dirty shame that Disney won't release the rest on DVD.
Very good standing and action poses as always!
Awesome!!! I love it!!
Nice body twist on that top sketch!
Very cool. Gargoyles was one of the best shows growing up. A Hudson piece would be awesome.
it looks amazing!
A convo like that would be really fun to go to for the fan-base alone.
Nice sketches too, I really like your take on Goliath.
Oh wow! I love gargoyles. Excellent work mate
Sweet Gargoyles designs Sean; I'd love to see you redesign them and get a new animated series kickstarted. Crazier things have happened, especially in the last week or so!
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