IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..... am everyday peopllllle. See I was sittin in the park mindin' my own (my own).
Ahhhh good ol' "Arrested Developement". Man I loved that group.
Welp, gang, here are some takes I drew of some older type folks I took pics of at the Sawdust festival. I rarely draw looking from life, but dang, is it refreshing. People have all kinds of cool shapes don't they? It makes ya wonder what their story is, huh?

In other news, I survived San Diego Comicon! WOWSERS was that a con or what?! Thank you, everbody, who made it out to our booth, and to the Spider-man Animated panel. I hope you liked the sneakpeek into season 2.
I brought 500 books and took home 70. Thank you to everyone who made that happen!!! You should have seen my car pulling into San Diego Wednesday afternoon.
One would have mistaken it to be a lowrider. 17 boxes, some luggage and a dolly on top of the car will do that to ya. HAHAHA
This weekend I will be mailing out more online orders of the book. I am still gathering shipping info for those interested, and I will post them soon, so anyone else may purchase it.
Hope you all made it home safe and sound, and see you all next year at San Diego Comicon 2009!
Hope y'all digs!