Pluggin away at the MOTU line-up (thank you all for diggin the previous posts for it! :)), while watching Power Puff Girls: Season 1. That cartoon is off the heezy for reezy.
I'm having a ton of fun drawing the baddies lately. There are more baddies in the forecast. For now it's raining Beastman, so be sure to bring your umbrella, if you decide to step out. :highfive:
These MOTU drawings are great! Really taking me back to my days playing with all these roided-out freaks! Still have a few of them even. Looking forward to more!
great pose...excellent
¡¡¡ amazing job men...great pose of this monster. Really great blog.
Another great piece! Your ability to express a sense of motion is amazing. Thanks for sharing!
I am LOVING this stuff bud! Great work!
Great job.I really like it nice posing.
Great works on these guys!
Is the umbrella for flung poopies?
Awesome, but you knew that!
Just recently came across your page and really love the artwork - that style is right up my alley :D
Just out of curiosity - what software do you use for drawing this nice stuff? It looks very vector-y so I assume it's not scanned-in work?
thank you, everyone!
kenneth- i don't use illustrator. i draw with col-erase, clean-up with colerase, and then color in photoshop.
So you just finished watching the PPG DVD set.... so where's some Cheek-ified Powerpuffs? or maybe Gangreene Gang?
yeah! that would be cool!
These MOTU drawings are great! Really taking me back to my days playing with all these roided-out freaks! Still have a few of them even. Looking forward to more!
Inspirational, as always!
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