20 September 2010

Little Big Heads' Orc in 3D!

Hey, gang... woke up to a pleasant surprise in my inbox this morning. My pal Joshua Singh :iconjoshsingh: hooked up the W.I.P. for my Orc character from my Little Big Heads property. I thought you all might get a kick out of seeing it.

We hope y'all digs!


04 September 2010

Little Linkage

whoops.... that didn't sound right... yucky.

Ahem... ONE of the best creations EVER.

Hope y'all digs!

03 September 2010

V for Voltron

Wow... I haven't tried to tackle Voltron (one of my all-time child hood favorites), since I was in grade school.  He was always a challenge to draw, and now I remember why I steered away from it.  HAHAHA

One of the things that I wish Voltron could do was grapple more.  I always felt it was unfair to the villains that once the sword was formed, then the show was pretty much over.  HAHAHA

Here I thought it'd be cool to explore that the hands come out from the inside of the mouth, and then the top of the heads were for backslapping punks.  HAHAHAHAHAHA

Wrapping it up, this is a rough mock up for a Voltron pin-up I hope to finish in time for the Voltron art of book coming out next year.

Here's a line-up of the crew: