29 August 2010

Save the dolphins!

I just watched a documentary, called The Cove.  It's about dolphins being slaughtered for food. We can help stop it and save them by texting DOLPHIN to 44144 or go to TakePart.com/TheCove

26 August 2010

Itsy Bitsy...

... Critta Tykes!!!

HAHAHA  Here's another IP created late last year.  

Wanted to draw some animals and creatures for a change.

Hope y'all digs!

19 August 2010

Monkey King!

Here's a pin-up I did for a magazine called "72".  The issue I drew it for was for their Monkey King tribute.  It hasn't come out yet,  but I believe it will within the next couple of months.

Also I figured you might be interested to see that I drew them separate. For some reason I LOVE drawing the whole body as it's own entity. I rough it all out together, and then I clean each element separate... I like to show the paper who's it's daddy. hahaha

A couple of peeps asked for a larger images, so I hope this version is big enough for your monitors.

Hope ya'll digs!

12 August 2010


I jokes!

One of my all-time faves is Megaman...

But... but... but... What the frak is he holding onto?  Why's he smiling while doing so?!  Will wonders never cease?  Is it a handle to the unknown?  Hang on, boy-o!  Hang on for dear life why dontcha!!

HAHAHAH  Just a little fan art.

Hope y'all digs!

10 August 2010

A Pig and Knife-Dude?!

hey, gang! What is the hippity-haps?

Just wanted to share with ya another more characters from my IP I created last year, called Little Big Heads. Yup, I know... the names are pretty simple, but ya know what? They're fun and to the point. hahaha

Stick around as the world and story unfolds! 

This'll be the same format of a story as:
Bastion's 7: Gumshoes 4 Hire: 

Hope y'all digs!