20 August 2009

Artbook Signing In San Diego at Rising Sun Creations in August

My pal Ryan Benjamin and I will be having a signing for our 2009 artbooks, in San Diego, August 29th, from 12pm-3pm at one of our favorite spots. Rising Sun Creations. They've got a wonderful mix of Anime, comics as well as a slew of variety of vinyls, and etc.

Here's a flyer we put together:

Here's a cover to Ryan's 2009 artbook; Pancratia:

And the cover to my Cheeks:Unclenched 2009 artbook:

We'll be doing free headsketches in the back of the books.

I may bring some copies of my 2008 Artbook; Spread the Cheeks in case some of you want to pick up a copy or 3.

In the meantime you have got to go watch District 9! Ichiban and I went to watch the movie, last night. WOW! That has got to be one of the BEST flicks I have seen in years. The connection with all the characters was PHENOMENAL!

We hope to see y'all there!


  1. Distric 9 was amazing huh!

  2. Yes, District 9 was definitely a super good movie. As original a story as you get nowadays, that's for sure. I love how they didn't even hint at the main story arc in the trailers that I saw.

    Have a great time at your signing. I wish I was close enough to go to one. Some day.

  3. Yeah, Man! I agree. I was soooo not expecting what I saw. The messed up part is . . . if that happened in in real life probably be just like that. One of these days I'll be at a signing too.

  4. Cool beans....and yeah man!

    D9 was freakin GREAT!!!

    still gota grab one of your vinyls too...


  5. awesome poster. so gritty and textured.
