30 March 2009

Kuta black and grey limited edition and vinyl ordering info.

Heya, gang. I just received images of the black and grey variant of my Kuta character from my Bastion's 7 property . :)

The black and grey are a limited run of 500.

From the looks of the production schedule I'll have 500 black and grey variants, and 1500 regular colored versions in my possession in July. However, I'm taking pre-orders now, if you're interested.

All online order payments can be made to my paypal account: cheeks_1974a@hotmail.com

Shipping rates:

Black and grey vinyl: $75.00 + Paypal fee: $3.20 + Domestic shipping: 10.35= $88.55

Regular colors: $60.00 + Paypal fee: $3.20 + Domestic shipping: 10.35= $73.85

Black and grey vinyl: $75.00 + Paypal fee: $3.20 + International shipping: 20.35= $98.55

Regular colors: $60.00 + Paypal fee: $3.20 + International shipping: 20.35= $83.55

Thank you, everyone for keeping an eye out on the progress. It's been fun watching it all come together!!!

Hope y'all digs!

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway

25 March 2009

Red Pix

Cova numero cuatro de Incredibles.

23 March 2009

Aqualad's makeover...

...or not! HAHAHA

Actually this is my Darkstalkers' tribute.
I love this property so much it hurts.

Out of the slew of characters his design was visually striking to me at first glance (of course I love all the other designs, too!!! :)) due to the color combination, and huge-@$$ fins everywhere. HAHAHA

I couldn't resist drawing him as my tribute.

Hope y'all digs!

22 March 2009

B7 panel. Testing.. testing...1...2...3

Aight.... just so you all can see that I'm holding true to Bastion's 7 web thang is underway.....

...I thought I'd drop a lil preview of one of the panels. :)

I'm pulling out the stops. I used to be a perspective freak, until I started learning how to draw people. This panel was a good throwback to when I used to draw tons of buildings in hopes to be an architect. Then I realized I sucked at the mathematics part of measurements! HAHAHAHA But regardless I love drawing buildings, and I'm starting to incorporate it more in my newer pieces, and what better way than to do it in my own personal property.

For those of you not familiar with Bastion's 7 here are some pages to read up on for a quick insight: Bastion's 7 Intro; short story

Here are the gorgeous colors were done by my super-talented pal, Mike Henry AKA Zatransis.
I love Mike's palettes, so I've recruited him to help me color my backgrounds. You all are in for a treat!

My boy Dark Kenjie is hella sick with the skills. He reworked my first pass on animated panel for me. Here's the animation for it: B7 Test Panel 1

My friend, Tamer had asked if she could try her hand at animating it, too.
Here's the animation for hers: B7 Test Panel 2

Thank you all for making this panel come to life. I am forever grateful.

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway

Hope y'all dig it!

20 March 2009


Heya, peeps. :) So the cat's out of the bag. DC Comics announced their new project called Wednesday Comics.

See? I told ya this year was the year I'm doing more sequentials. :) The story I'm working on is a 12 pager.
So this is just a lil teaser.

Also here's what I did first to get a good feel of the characters. I was given the liberty to cheeks-ify them.

Wanna read what it's all about?
Here are some links if you're interested.

Wednesday Comics / The Scoop

What to expect: The editor's interview

Hope y'all digs!

19 March 2009

They Got A Room...

and BOY did they ever....

Hope y'all digs!

17 March 2009

Alter Egos

Just wrapped up coloring the alter egos. :)

And..................... let's see who can guess the one on the far right. Yeah... grumpy over there. :)

Left to right:

1) Pierre / No.2

-African/Asian, born in France.
-professional kickboxer
-preference for gender; (we're not sure... only he knows).

2) Oki /Zero

-Oki is short for Okinawa
-Japanese/Caucasian, born in San Diego, Ca
-leader of the B7 scouts

3) Jojo /No.1

-Oki's bodyguard
-2nd in charge next to Zero
-born in Taichung, Taiwan
-mother to the main character; Kai

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway

Hope y'all digs!

Tribe Called Quest

Tonight I went back to drawing with an ink pen like I did many many many moons ago. Each figure probably took about 1-3 minutes to draw, but the masks took a while longer. What I wanted to gain was to not over think the drawing. I tend to over think my work often. Tonight was an exercise to draw without fear of messing up, and getting a perfect line.

Hope y'all digs!

14 March 2009


Here's a piece I did for the Calgary Expo artbook that I'm attending in April.

06 March 2009

The Whole Litter and Some Possible Dingle Berries

I designed these "Kats" a couple of years ago; in 2007. This had to be one of the best, and most fun gigs I ever worked on. It was a blast because I wasn't worried about volume, and technical shiz yet. My only concern while on it was to execute pretty shapes and try to make the lines sing.

Anyway... I hope y'all digs! :)

05 March 2009

Hi. My name is Larry, this is my brother Daryll, and my other brother Daryll

...well they would have been if they were in The Newharts.

However.....since they're not part of that universe, they are part of a universe some of you may already be familiar with.... called Bastion's 7.

Here are the alter egos for 3 out of 7 good guys.

Left to right:

1) Pierre / No.2

-African/Asian, born in France.
-professional kickboxer
-preference for gender; (we're not sure... only he knows).

2) Oki /Zero

-Oki is short for Okinawa
-Japanese/Caucasian, born in San Diego, Ca
-leader of the B7 scouts

3) Jojo /No.1

-Oki's bodyguard
-2nd in charge next to Zero
-born in Taichung, Taiwan
-mother to the main character; Kai

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway

Hope y'all digs!

04 March 2009

Where'd Hanna go, Barbera?

I started this piece about 3 months ago. I wasn't feeling the way it was going at the time, so I set it aside, but after opening it up today and making some minor tweaks, I thought I'd share it with, y'all.

Here's some info about con appearances I'll be attending this year.
Here are some cons I will be attending. Come in to say hi if you get a moment. :)

Here are some cons I will be attending. Come in to say hi if you get a moment. :)

FX CON- Orlando, Fl: April 17-19

Calgary Expo- Calgary, Canada: April 25-26

Super-Con- San Jose, Ca: May 16-17

San Diego Comic-Con July 23-26

At each con I'll have:

1) my artbooks Spread the Cheeks(The art of Sean Galloway.) The books are $25 each.

2) my Kuta resin sculpt
sculpts. The resin sculpts are $100 each.

Hopefully by San Diego Comic-Con I'll have the Kuta vinyls. :)

If there are more cons I'll be attending I'll update ya as soon as I know.

I'll keep a log of the cons I'll be going to on the right hand side, underneath my profile.

Hope y'all digs!

03 March 2009

Kuta sculpt in color

Heya, y'all! Wanted to share with ya the painted version of Kuta from my creator owned property; Bastion's 7.

My good buddy, Francisco Herrera and his studio mates, over at Studio RABIA!!, did a wonderful job getting the paint master done. When the limited edition of the gray scaled version is complete I'll share it with you, too.
The paint master for this version was done by J Arturo Ramirez.

Kuta was sculpted by super-talented Irene Matar and the turnarounds were done by the ever so skillful Walter Gatus.

Thank you to everyone for making this a dream come true for me.

I hope you're as thrilled as I am!

A reminder tho those who have bought the resins of Kuta... send me pics of it if you'd like me to make it into a journal entry. :)

Now, back to the drawing board. I'm on the last stretch of cranking out the final 3 pages pencils and colors for my 5 page Nightcrawler short story.

02 March 2009

Uncanny X-Men: First Class, and Incredibles cover #3, and Nightcrawler short story page 2

Heya, folks. Just got back from stocking up on some toys at Toys R Us. Love going there in the mornings. No hustle no bustle.

Here's a cover I colored for Marvel.

The gorgeous pencils were done by Roger Cruz.

I had a ton of fun with it. If you'd like to know more about the issue: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/090228-wondercon09-uncanny-firstclass.html

And here's the 3rd cover art I did for the Incredibles. What's wrong, Bob? Why so glum, chum?

Wanna find out, gang? Ya gots to pick up the book to see. :P

Uncanny X-men Annual #1; Nightcrawler page 2:

Here's page 2 from a 5 a page short story I am doing for a Nightcrawler story.
The story is basically about Nightcrawler in his younger days.

Hope y'all digs!

Who wants Happy Meals?

San Francisco Wondercon:

Just got back from San Francisco's Wondercon, and I have to say it is getting bigger and bigger every year. This year was so crazy busy! It was hard to walk around, but in a good way. It just means peeps are lovin the con and recognizing it.

Thank you, everyone for coming by the table to say hi to Christine, Ryan, and I. You all really made the con for us. If there was a time I couldn't chat with you or if it was brief, please accept my apologies. I hope to be able to connect more with ya at future cons.

Kuta Resins:

I'll be starting a journal of peeps purchasing the resin Kuta sculpts, so if you get a chance take a pic of yourself as the proud owner holding him up. These are going quicker than I had hoped, so thank, everyone for picking them up!

SSM HAPPY MEAL COVERAGE: (from my understanding, you are able to just buy the toys if you don't want the meals)


We announced at our panel the Spectacular Spider-man Animated's premier date for Disney XD channel. We will start airing on March 23, 2009 in the evening time, so please check your local listings for air time.

Season 2 will air in the summer, but until then, the rest of 3 dvd volumes for Season 1 will come out before Summer. However, sometime in the Summer, the boxset will hit a local store near you!! It'll have a ton of special features in it. Woot! Woot! I can't wait!

More toys!

In Target and Toys R Us, the 12 inch Spectacular Spider-man Animated figure is on the shelves. (I know where I'm going after I post this journal!)

Aight... again, thank you, all for coming by and saying howdy! I can't wait to kick it at future cons with ya.