05 March 2009

Hi. My name is Larry, this is my brother Daryll, and my other brother Daryll

...well they would have been if they were in The Newharts.

However.....since they're not part of that universe, they are part of a universe some of you may already be familiar with.... called Bastion's 7.

Here are the alter egos for 3 out of 7 good guys.

Left to right:

1) Pierre / No.2

-African/Asian, born in France.
-professional kickboxer
-preference for gender; (we're not sure... only he knows).

2) Oki /Zero

-Oki is short for Okinawa
-Japanese/Caucasian, born in San Diego, Ca
-leader of the B7 scouts

3) Jojo /No.1

-Oki's bodyguard
-2nd in charge next to Zero
-born in Taichung, Taiwan
-mother to the main character; Kai

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway

Hope y'all digs!


  1. Dude, your stuff is amazing!!!!

  2. Very cool. I hope we get to see a lot more of the Bastion's 7 universe soon!

  3. Q tal Sean, aqui un fanatico mas desde Mexico,me agrada mucho el tipo de arte q haces, sin mencionar que soy un seguidor de la serie Spectacular Spiderman.

    he leido que vendes tu Art Book y quisiera preguntarte que posbilidades hay de enviarme uno a Mexico.

    saludos de un Fan mas..

  4. I love their masks.
    Great design, they look pretty badass!

  5. Anonymous4:18 AM


  6. Hey, Sean!
    Your work is awesome!
    Love it!
    Grande abraço!

  7. tanks for all your works they are so nice ! very good sens of rythm ^^
    and sorry for my bad english.......

  8. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I love your cultural combinations for your characters. It says a lot about you. =)


  9. Pierre is rockin'!

  10. thank you, everyone! you all rock my world.
