02 March 2009

Uncanny X-Men: First Class, and Incredibles cover #3, and Nightcrawler short story page 2

Heya, folks. Just got back from stocking up on some toys at Toys R Us. Love going there in the mornings. No hustle no bustle.

Here's a cover I colored for Marvel.

The gorgeous pencils were done by Roger Cruz.

I had a ton of fun with it. If you'd like to know more about the issue: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/090228-wondercon09-uncanny-firstclass.html

And here's the 3rd cover art I did for the Incredibles. What's wrong, Bob? Why so glum, chum?

Wanna find out, gang? Ya gots to pick up the book to see. :P

Uncanny X-men Annual #1; Nightcrawler page 2:

Here's page 2 from a 5 a page short story I am doing for a Nightcrawler story.
The story is basically about Nightcrawler in his younger days.

Hope y'all digs!


  1. sick x-men! wolverine and nightcrawler and everyone else looks awesome!

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    q caña y lo de los increibles...imcreible, jejeje

  3. Hey Sean!
    Great Nightcrawler page!


  4. Hey Sean,
    Your work is awesome as usual. It was cool to see you and Ryan at Wondercon. Will you have a new sketchbook for San Diego? I hope so.

  5. Good looking stuff, Sean!

  6. man you're stuff puts a smile on my face buddy
    you are the PERFECT artist for the Incredibles comics btw
    keep it up Sean!

  7. YO!!! Awesome work my friend! I love it!!

  8. Guess Roger Cruz has finally found his own style. This looks awesome!

    And I LOVE the Nightcrawler page!

  9. Wow dude... really awesome stuff

  10. Love the fire extinguisher attached to the stroller. That's not something you see every day! Nice touch.

  11. i really,really,really like your concepts. Those are really nice man.Very inspiring to me. It makes me wanna draw more.lol. Hey what medium do you use mostly? By the way, If you have a chance ccan you come check out my blog and see what you think? Thanks.

  12. pretty mind-blowing.
    Love the 'Early days Nightcrawler' page.

  13. Hey Cheeks,

    Awesome work. I use illustrator to ink some of my stuff and just recently got a manga debut program to help me ink. You lines look like you do them in illustrator, great handling to make it look like that. You are the man! I noticed you don't use think and thin lines... and you still manage to give your drawings depth....I hate using pure black abrasive shadows, I noticed you don't use those either... but you manage to use subtle color to show shadow, just like an animator doing cells would. If I pencil fo someone else to in, should I use these features (Thin and thick lines and black shadows)? Any advice you can lend would be excellent. Thanks again. You are an awesome artist.

  14. The Nightcrawler pages are insane ! Really like them !

  15. thank you, everyone!

    hi, sterling. i will try to, but at the moment, i'm focusing to launch the Kuta vinyls for SDCC. at the end of the year i will most likely send a new book to the printers.
    thank you for your interest.

    hi, harold. thank you. i think most importantly you should communicate with the artist to see what he is envisioning. he may let you do what you feel. :)

    thank you. Lori!

  16. The combination of your talents is amazing. Congratulations!!!
    I know Roger Cruz, he is a great artist and brasilian, like me.

  17. Cyclops and Storm classic costumes = COOL.

  18. Love that X-Men page! It's like you draw with Funstiks or something! Just a joy to look at Sean!

  19. WOW!!!

    Como siempre un trabajo excelente!!!

    aqui tienes a un fan mas desde Mexico...


  20. thank you, gang!

    yup, Dan-O! I'm having a ton of fun. bleeding into the pages, but i can't wait to feel more comfy doing it, so I can add more and feel more confident.

  21. Man! Well done, my good fellow. I always did love Nightcrawler. I would love to see you get an assignment to do a story around the Cockrum era X-Men. You would rock something like that.
