24 June 2011

Captain America vs Red Face aaaand... Mandy + Ironman = love

Howdy! Howdy! 

Just wanted to mess around with some Captain Red Face... er I mean Captain America and Red Face.... er.... Captain America and Red Skull, yeah that's it! :)

Big ups to my Table Taffy studio-mate, :icondarkkenjie: for pushing me to go beyond a white bg! :)

We have some stuff in the works that we can't wait to share with ya!

ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSO! My newest journal entry has the winner and runner-ups listed for my 2011 artbook name contest. AND preorders are a gooooooo! :) All info can be read by clicking this -------> http://cheeks-74.deviantart.com/journal/41598102/

W.I.P. #1

W.I.P. #2


  1. really shiny
    i like it very much :)

  2. Very nice really. The structure of the faces is amazing! Each piece of this picture is well put together, however it has a loose and mindless feel about it. Very nice. I look forward to more.

  3. Looks awesome!

    It was great meeting you at Heroes Con. Thanks for the awesome 2009 and 2010 Artbooks. I hope you come back next year.

    Really looking forward to the new Cheeks: Still Together!

  4. Captain America-!!
    Coooooooooool! X)

  5. Captain America-!!
    Coooooooooool! X)

  6. Your work is always so amazing !!!

  7. Amazing works as usual!
