11 April 2011

Winner of my 2011 artbook name game goes to....

Howdy, folks!

Man, what a busy busy weekend it was.  I wrapped up my 2011 art book cover, and after going through tons of the name entries for the art book name contest, there was no way for me to walk away without blushing!  HAHAHA WOW.... some of you are NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!  HAHAHA

Nonetheless, I can't thank you all enough for participating! Alot of great ones.  It was tough to pick the best one.  However, I managed to find one that fit for what I'm looking for.

The winner is :iconeenlikebean: !

I'll post the other 4 runner ups (also get consolation prizes, too!) later today.  In the meantime here's the cover for my 2011 artbook.

Let me tell ya about the book...
-140ish pages
-over 100 new illustrations
-i'll let ya know when preorders are available.  (preorders and regular orders will be available international, too.)

Hope ya'll digs!


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Can't wait for SDCC! will you have prints and be doing comissions?

  2. Looks phenomenal Sean! Congratulations on a fine job... It's my birthday soon - hope I can scrabble some loose birthday change together and get me a copy!

  3. Awesome! Love the cover.

  4. Cant wait to get my copy!

