08 February 2011

Coming to a Con near you!

Howdy, gang! Making rounds on the net today, so I wanted to let ya know what cons I'm attending in the near future: 

Emerald City Comicon (Seattle) March 4-6 
Table # E-02

C2E2 Comic and Entertainment (Chicago) March 18-20
Table unknown yet


Wondercon (San Francisco) 2011 April 1-3 
Table unknown yet

Boston Comic Con (Boston hahaha) April 30-May 1
Table unknown yet

Heroes Con (Charlotte) June 3-5
Table unknown yet


San Diego Comic Con (San Diego) July 21-24
Table unknown yet

Hope to see you there!


  1. Will you be attending the Philadelphia Wizardcon by any chance?

  2. That's a lot of travels ahead !

  3. Looking forward to seeing you in Seattle!

  4. awesome cant wait to be there!

  5. Hellz yeah comic con! Coming all the way from Kiwi-land to...uh... Stand near your table, spend three hours to get the nerve to say something then run off after chickening out...

    I mean, hellz yeah!
