01 June 2010

Bringing something new to the table....

...figuratively speaking. hahaha :P

Now I can let the secret out of why I made the Little Big Heads patches.

Ichiban and my mother-in-law have been such tremendous sports spending their free-time making some new stuff for us to launch at Heroes Con this coming weekend.  One is an art bag, and the other is a pencil supply bag. These are all handmade, so it is very limited.  We are only bringing a 7 art bags and 7 pencil supply bags.

Our table at Heroes Con is AA-710.

Some of you were asking if I'll be bringing my sketchbooks there and the answer is heck yeah!  :P 

I'm down to my last handful of 2008's Spread the Cheeks and 2009's Cheeks: UNCLENCHED, but they'll be with me if ya wanna pick up a copy of them.

Ok ok ok... back to the new stuff...

Art bag:

-has 2 compartments
(the large compartment can hold up to 11x17 sketchbooks and the smaller compartment can hold various smaller items).

-going for $20.

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Pencil supply bag:

-has 3 compartments
(the large compartment can hold drawing supplies, and the smaller compartments can hold biz cards and etc.)

-it is going for $10.

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Info for online orders will be available soon.  Email to reserve yours today!

Our table at Heroes Con is AA-710.


  1. if you don't bring a "limited supply" to SDCC or online orders, dude that would be so wrong.

    peace out

  2. very, very sweet. i wish i could just order a bag from you cuz i can't make it to the con :'(

  3. May I ask a question? Where did you get your book published?

  4. Anonymous4:30 PM

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  5. cool bags and stuff man i like the ones with the lines the best.

  6. Definitely likin the custom embroidery

  7. Pretty cool getting the family involved in your art...

    lookin good man....and good luck at Heroes con.

