20 January 2010

Doctor Steel poster promo W.I.P.

Heya Gang!

How goes it? You got the pencil, pen, wacom, cintiq burning the midnight oil with ya? I hope so. :)

Many apologies for my sparseness, lately. It's not that I am neglecting you on purpose by any means. hehehe :P It's just that I've been up against the gun with some exciting projects, which I hope to be able to share with you soon. My apologies to, too for not being able to answer emails more on a regular, but I will be catching up on them soon.

AND I'll be able to finally go over (slightly guesstimating 1200 or so) the name titles that you all pitched in for naming my 2010 artbook! Thank you so much for your patience.

Here is a W.I.P. of the banner I drew today for the 2010 Angouleme comics convention. I am excited to be part of the Doctor Steel project that Jerry Frissen (co-creator of the GORGEOUS Luche Libre property and co-founder of Muttpop) and I are collaborating on. The book will be published by Soleil. Big ups to Robert Silva (co-creator of the GORGEOUS Luche Libre property and co-founder of Muttpop)for translating the script!

Anywho... back to the drawing board. I have to clean this up, ink it, and wrap up colors within 2-3 hours... .wish me luck! I needs it!

Hope ya'll digs!

Luff ya!


  1. Wide awake and burnin' the midnight oil with ya, man! Thanks for posting this. It added a pleasant break to my late night illustration madness. You're kickin' mighty @$$ like always!

  2. Hey there.
    I've really enjoyed popping into your blog to see what your posting.
    Awesome stuff. Very inspiring.
    Thanks for taking the time to share.


  3. Wow, killer lighting. Great work!

  4. Thanks so much for the WIP Sean. Looks killer! Love the comp.

  5. Congratulations for this project !
    The French readers are lucky!

    On superpouvoir.com, the best French site on comics (news, previews, reviews, forums, etc.), there is a thread about this awaited project :

  6. Jean sent me this one and other stuffs..That looks,like always great!

  7. almost 2 in da mornin....

    stopped for a sandwich and look at your blog.....

    thanks for the xtra fuel for the long Night in the Garage!!

    looks great!...and good luck!!!


  8. hello Sam, I love your work, today I started to use as references for my heroes too, congratulations, and good traits friend

  9. great, as usual, cheers!

  10. j'adore le style!!! j'admire!!!

  11. Anonymous8:55 PM

    whoa thats tight

  12. thank you very much, everyone!!!

  13. Justin, the feeling is mutual, bud!

  14. wow its crazy how you can make lines and shapes a great art piece. i really like you art and i think its amazing . check one my stuff when ever you can plz.

    ernie ochoa

  15. I see the poster at the convention, great job man!!
