15 December 2009

Mini Skullface

So who guessed skullface was next on my agenda? Anyone?
Did I disappoint? I hope not... I'll get to more of those nice requests...

Hold up... wha? Is Skullface trying to whistle? Ya cain't do that, dood! Ya gots no lips!

I hongries so Imma go eat my green curry and hot and sour soup... YUMS.

Hope y'all digs!


  1. Sean thees are awesome. Love the style, keep up the great work. Hope married life is going well. I'm 5 yrs in and it keeps getting better. Best of luck to you and the wifey

  2. Anonymous8:15 PM

    that's really cute Cheeky.

  3. Oh YEah!! It loooks amazing, you are doing so cool work in this series!! :)

  4. I save this picture to desktop background :D
    SO COOL!!!

  5. Hey Mr Galloway your talent is very impressive.These are amazing try hook up a Captain America please? oh I giess that would make him Private America or even Cubscout America? either way good stuff man.

  6. thank you so much, everyone!!!

    that's an adorable concept, Colm, and please just call me Seany-poo! I jokes. hahaha Sean is fine, ok?

  7. Anonymous5:42 PM

    love the scooter!!! that's the best part by far

  8. His Razor scooter's a nice touch! :D
