29 September 2008

Zero Vinyl W.I.P.

Update 2 October 08:

Irene has made fantastic progress on both the Zero, and Kuta sculpts.

Here we have the uber skilled Irene Matar beginning the armature for Zero's sculpt.

Here we have the full 5 point turn for Zero. I provided the 3/4 front, for mega-talented Walter Gatus to work off of for the other 4 views.

This is the pose I'm gonna have the sculpt based off of. By doing this, each figure can either connect together at their base, or if preferred, still be a stand-alone piece.

I've been updating Kuta's sculpt progress, so if you wanna peep the new updates please refer back to the original post!

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway


  1. -->> ..gawdamm..
    can't wait to see 'im in action ..


  2. Anonymous2:37 PM

    *giddy* I like these turnarounds. They're lovely.

  3. Can't wait to see these bad boys finished and colored up. One of my favorite things about your art is the way you choose to color them.

    Better save up now...

  4. Love the composition in the Illo second from top. Your art is killer. Great stuff.

  5. Sweet man, can't wait to see more.

  6. your art is really magic 0.0 !

  7. great design, looking forward to the sculpt!

  8. beautiful Characters ! It's funny with the structure!

  9. thank you, everyone!!! Irene, Walter, and myself are stoked that you all are anticipating the vinyl!

  10. WOOO ... can't wait to see you finish the vinyl!

  11. Hello Sean! I like your style of drawing, I think you are a genius, I will take as a reference. I would like to visit my blog: http://margadefay.blogspot.com. A Bye!

  12. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Really nice post. ...I love your process stuff. Cheers, Cheeks!

  13. AWW MAN DOOD! This is awesome, i cant wait for this one sir, looking NOICE!

  14. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Such incredible skills cannot be legal! Can't wait to see them finished

  15. Hi! I love your cartoon style, is very strong. i can`t wait to see those figures finished. please, if you want, visit my blog. http//darkskyeleven.blogspot.com.

  16. Hey sean - awesome figures!

    I thought you should know that you've been brightening up my laptop background for a few months now...
    And people are constantly asking where characters come from.

  17. Ummm.... someone should take the 5 point turn reference model, rig it, and animate.

  18. thank you, everyone!

    Blake, you brought a huge smile to my face. thank you so much for doing so.

    thank you, Gemini82, that's the plan for now!

  19. I follow your work on your deviantart account. Didn't realize you have a blog. But now I do. Awesome.

  20. sweet turnaround cheeky :)
