22 November 2007


I love me some Ultraman. He was probably one of my first action figures I had ever.
I remember living in Okinawa and playing with him and watching the old series. Good times good times. Now that I'm older I really appreciate the outfit Science Patrol Hayata (Susumu Kurobe) and the other characters wore, too, so here's a nod to the classics again. :)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone to you and yours.


  1. Ultraman is the stuff! A personal favourite. I always wondered what your version would look like. Sweetness! Can't wait to see the color. cheers

  2. It is interesting to see how you can take such an element of the Japanese culture and make it... the step further... you know, the step which would make me very interested in this character/franchise. The original style kinda leaves me cold. Yours however...
    I really dig it!

  3. Great work as always, love these two!

  4. Homerun everytime!

  5. coolness, I dig the design work.

  6. thank you for diggin my take on Ultraman, you all.

    Ledidole, thank you very much for such a kind comment.

    thank you, Lubomir!

    thank you, Adam!

    thank you, Randy!

  7. I lived in Okinawa for 5 years, love the Ultraman!
