09 September 2007

Oaf1 Oaf2 Oaf3

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y'all what's fer dinna?
uhhtssss uhhtssss uhhttssss

welpers. i didn't want to jump right into the workload today without punishing my col-erase and red micon, and showing the paper who's the boss, soooooooo i did these, and a ton of sketches to warm up today.

i felt the stress leaving my body through my fingers tips. when it was all gone i was calm, and then i started chipping away at the workload.

it works. guaranteed.

hope y'all diggy duuuuuuuezzzz!


  1. I love the stuff that shows alittle of how you break everything down.
    Its the best stuff to learn off of.

    We Digs!

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Agreed with Dan there. Very refreshing.
