06 May 2007

Hang tight, Ed!!!! Cavalry's on the way!

:) Anyone going to Heroes con in June? If so I hope to see y'all there!


  1. Sick color job!

    I wish I could make Heroes this year. Last year was wonderful!

  2. Amazing!!, In colors it is even better.

  3. wut up man! let's make a kid's book...;) it's me heather from sketch nites at clare de lune...it's bin a while...hope all is well. your drawings are fresh! :)

  4. Man, flying all the way from CA to go to Heroes? That's commitment. I'll be there. I'll stop by and say "hi".

  5. awesome. I like that cartoon!

    Wish I was going to the Heroes Con with the rest of you... I'm heading over to Philly during that time.

  6. Hey Sean! Cool pic, man. And the colors are indeed great ;)

  7. I've decided my favorite part about your work is the scattered signature in every piece.



  8. I love this one. So dynamic. One of my favorites.

  9. thanx, tom! see ya sometime at a different con. :)

    thank you, salba!

    waddup, heather! i'd love to, once i get more time cleared up.

    thank you, thierry!

    i sure am, neil! see ya there.

    bobby- thanx, man! wish you were going to heroes, too. ya gotta lemme know how philly goes. i've never been to that con, but i hear it's a great show.

    thank you, leonel!

    meetch- dang, i better make the rest of it live up to that. hahaha

    see ya there, marc!

    thank ya kindly, mark.

    thank you, alina!

    dan- you be the ulrta-nifty! it was hotter than you know what in hades, last night. no pun intended. it LITERALLY was too hot. jeff, was sweating bullets.

  10. yooooooooww!! I hope you do a print of this or put it in your next book!!!

  11. thank you.... to visit my blog, I met your work as year and half ago, I was surprised the color and the very own style that you have, and I am inspired for craer.


  12. I love the colors you do and the sketchbook is great by the way, thanks.

  13. Great movements and muted colors. I really like it! (plus it's FMA, and who could deny such glory?) I already watch you on DA but I may as well keep an eye on you here too, eh?

  14. hi dude!

    i know you from deviant

    check my website


    i love your worK!!

    greetings earthling!!!!

  15. Looks tight man. Nice Work!

  16. I love this blog!!

  17. very good colored version!

    edward now?..^^


  18. I'll be there and will be sure to swing by to say hi and maybe pick up a sketch.

  19. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Umm hey dude awsome work! Sorry and everyone feel free to disagree but I had a mildly tough time telling who it is and if it wasnt for the big brother thing I would have been suspicious at best I guess... Big fan by the way.
