30 December 2006

No.1 turns colored

Finally got around to coloring No.1 for my 2007 sketchbook. More details soon about it. Y'all are in for a treat.

Hope y'all digs!

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway

27 December 2006


While at Borders today I had a spark to create another character for Bastion's 7. His name is Book. He runs with Mallot's Minions. He ain't as nice as he portrays.

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway

22 December 2006

Kai n Friends

Here we have Kai and his lil homies. Left to right; Kai, Eyin, Small Fry, and Abby.

Come on in out of the rain, Kai. Someone wanna lend a hand by allowing Kai to borrow an umbrella? He'd kindly repay you on Tuesday :)

Abby. Let's just say she's a zany delivery girl for the Big Wok... :P If ya ain't lookin out, she'll run ya over. BELIEVE IT!

Hope y'all digs!

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway

Hope y'all digs!

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway

19 December 2006

Hellboy and Abey-poo heads

Heya,Gang! Thank you all for the kind words for Hellboy Animated 'Sword of Storms'. Some of you missed it, and asked if and when it would air again. I just got confirmation today, that it'll air again, December 30th, on Cartoon Network. Myself and everyone at the studio Film Roman thank you all for your feedback, support, and anticipation throughtout the production to the airing of Sword of Storms.


Have a beautiful, and safe holiday, you all. May the New Year be prosperous, and hold happiness in all you do and accomplish.

Some heads I did for Inkworks' site.

Luff ya.

(let's do the happy dance)

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15 December 2006

I'm A Glutton For Punishment 1

I wasn't feeling how I drew Cheetarah last, and been meaning to get back to redesigning her, so here she is. :)

Like Snarf should be. The caretaker of Lion-O. Either serving soup or scratchin the shiz out of Mum-ra's lackies.

sit, ubu. good dawg. WOOF!


yeah, well we know as brilliant as panthro is he likes to be a grunt more than anything, there's nothing more fun than kickin some bad guy booty.

sick 'em, boy


Welpers... here's how i see Tygra with the crossed eyes that i have.

i saw a sneak preview of 'smokin aces' with some pals of mine. that movie was off the heezy fo sheezy, wheezy. i LOVED it. the title of this deviation was one of the lines in it, and it still has us all crackin up.

hope y'all diggy doos!


Say wha',Lion-O?!!! You say you hear sumfin' with your keen hearing? Whatcha gonna do? Don't play hero, son.

I guess I love provoking people with my personal visions of classic characters. For the most part it's welcomed by the audience, but some are not so welcoming. haha

Anyhoot, I hope y'all digs!

Off topic, but very important to me, thank you to everyone anticipating Bastion's 7. I CANNOT believe the response coming in from it, but I salute you for looking for something new, and allowing me to bring it.

Luff ya.

12 December 2006


A character from my creator owned projetct; Bastion's 7.

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway

04 December 2006

Teen Titans Go! issue 37 pages 1-2

Teen Titans Go! issue 37.

Came out 29 November 2006

I had a pretty brutal deadline with these pages. I did pencils to colors for all 20 pages in about a month and a half. I never wanna have that tight of a deadline again. I couldn't see straight after about the 16th hour into the day. I'm still recuperating. hahaha

Teen Titans Go! #37 pgs 15-16

Teen Titans Go! issue 37.

Came out 29 November 2006

I had a pretty brutal deadline with these pages. I did pencils to colors for all 20 pages in about a month and a half. I never wanna have that tight of a deadline again. I couldn't see straight after about the 16th hour into the day. I'm still recuperating. hahaha

hope y'all digs!

02 December 2006

Thundercats' pin-up ruffs

I have been itching to draw a Thundercats' pin-up, so today I took time out from working on the weekly grind to do up the frisky felines. Who can guess who's who?