14 November 2006

Teen Titans Go #37 sneak peek

Here are 5 random panels for this month's Teen Titans Go #37. It's my first full issue in comicdom, so there was a teensie weensie bit o' pressure. Thank you to all who've been anticipating it.

In the words of my pal, J.Torres, "Look for the issue in stores starting November 29th - it makes a great stocking stuffer."

Here's to lookin at y'all getting a kick out of it. It was a ton of fun.

Hope y'all digs!


  1. I hope this one comes here to Brazil. Your work is great!!

    Congrats for the full issue.

  2. Oh BOY! These look amazing as usual... I can't wait til it comes out. You wouldn't believe how many times I've been strolling through my local comic shop and thought "I wish they had a Cheeks section."

    First full issue... well we're getting there. I have all of your stuff together in my comic box because I like to string as much of your art together as possible. I'm not much of a comic collector, but Cheeks represents in what little I do have ;)

  3. Sean this is great news...i'll pick it up for sure .a copy for me and my son...what's the release for low orbit?Take care.Have a good one!

  4. These look great, I can't wait to read the whole thing!

    I second gdeo, when is Low Orbit coming out? It says it comes out this week on a few sites on the web including Image but I can't find it on shipping lists. Also, how much did you end up contributing to the first book???

  5. Hey Sean! Great images! I love the cmposition and colors. Very inspiring, as usual.

  6. Looking good! I'll definitely pick one up!

  7. So.. congratulations for this issue... It looks really phantastic!!! Saludos!!!!

  8. Amazing panels, really great work! with "full issue", do you mean that you made pencils, inks and colors?

  9. hi!!!
    great work!!!!
    i take monthly the teen titan series.
    I think is amazing!!!
    sorry for my bad english.....
    great work!!!

