28 October 2006

Hellboy Commission


Just wrapped this up in time to clean the house before some friends come over and watch Hellboy Animated tonight.

Hope y'all digs!

Art: Sean "Cheeks" Galloway


  1. Holy hell! You never cease to amaze me. I freakin' love that outline on HB. Great stuff man. Can't wait to see HB animated. I'd love to hear what you think.
    Take it easy Sean,

  2. Wow this is an awesome piece. I am looking foward to Hellboy Animated!

  3. Great work brudda!

    Your Liz is cute and your Hellboy mean.

    I didn't know the show was out. Does it come on TV?

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHA Thanx, Dennis! I enjoyed it. How about you?

    Thanx, Tom! Hope you were able to catch it on Cartoon Network last night.

    Waddup, Kelsey! Thanx, man. It was the first of the 2 movies that came on last night. Cartoon Network let it in on a spot in their Toonami segment. But the first if the 2 will go to dvd in early Feb.

  5. Damn! I missed the Cartoon Network showing...will it happen again?

    When are the DVD's due out?

  6. Really lovely. You have some serious talent :)

  7. Fantastic!!

    I love your art!

  8. I like the colours a lot ,..congratulations for that stuff

  9. hey you are even more of a bigshot now. congrats, buddy

  10. wow.

    Your line stile and colours you use are very nice, but its easy to notice u enjoy much more drawing the character than the backgrounds... and this makes it a bit unreal feeling to me.
    Sorry for my awful english! -_-U

  11. Sweeet pic! Good stuff, hope the toon turned out to your liking. Cheers,

  12. great stuff as always

  13. Amazing job as always!, hope here in Argentina we can wath Hellboy animated soon.

  14. tom- thanx! not sure when it would air again, if they decide to, but the dvds come out in Feb.

    dominic- thank you!

    sarah- don't play ;) (thank you!)

    dan pan- thank you, sir!

    rueda- thank you very much!

    jose- thank you kindly! ^^

    ms. marlo- howdy! me a bigshot? when did that happen? i never saw that memo. ;) thank you.

    adri- thanx! i'm still trying to find my nitch in providing backgrounds that will compliment my work. i can't lie though, i do love to draw people. :)

    meesimo- thank you. there were some areas of the cartoon i thought could have been pushed. :)

    gdeo- thank you!

    javier- thanx! i hope it gets there soon for you all, too.

  15. Hey Mr. Cheeks,

    As an old schooled dude who is used to hand drawn commissions, how does this work? You promise only to print it out one time or what?

  16. Hey Sean - this is Gina (circa 1994?) I talked to Denise yesterday, and googled you - you were easy to find! Looks like you're doing great. Email me if you want. Sorry this isn't too hellboy related.
