31 July 2006

Bastion's 7 turnarounds

Welp, can y'all guess why I'm doing turns for the Bastion's 7 characters? Profiles will be done tomorrow. There are some tweaks that will be changed in the 3/4 front. such as; the shorts' cuffs at the bottom. i'll be making the bottoms of the shorts looking like the 3/4 backviews.
Hope y'all digs!

all Bastion's 7 characters © Sean "Cheeks" Galloway


  1. Hey, you do all the covers for teen titans go right? I'm a big fan of your work! I'm going to be a comic-book artist some day, and I was wondering if you could check out some of my work?

  2. are they getting animated????!!!! that's the only reason why i can imagine you're doing turn arounds... or possibly being made into toys or sculpture...???

  3. I love your shading. This is one of those blogs you leave feeling like you either want to quit because you see the best out there, or you want to try and sketch all night long, because you give inspiration. I am blown away. Amazing art. I especially love the kill bill and batman. Great Blog man. I am going to do both. :)

  4. baron, yes. my run was from issues 16-35. and thanx! i'd love to check out your work. :)

    akira, yes. and yes hahahaha

  5. hello!!! they are perfect!!! we are really amazing with your work!!
    we live in argentina, south america, and we are seeing your work that it's better every day!!
    catriel and silvana

  6. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »

  7. hey buddy amazing cartoon I love this blog about Bastion's 7 turnarounds and I los your drawing!!
